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Adulthood And Aging Pdf Free Download

Physical activity has important health benefits for older adults — but people may find it hard to stay active as they age. The Move Your Way® campaign has resources that can help your older adult audiences learn about the benefits and find activities that work for them.

Use these materials to help older adults understand the amount and types of physical activity they need to be healthy.

  • Fact sheets and posters
  • Interactive tool
  • Videos
  • Sample social media messages, graphics, and GIFs

Fact Sheets and Posters

You can display and distribute Move Your Way fact sheets and posters in health care settings, recreation facilities, workplaces, community centers, and more.

The Physical Activity Fact Sheet for Older Adults explains why physical activity is key to healthy aging, what kinds of activity older adults need, and how to get it.

The Types of Activity Fact Sheet for Older Adults explains the different types of physical activity older adults need and how they can get a mix of activity types.

Our"One Step at a Time" Poster for Older Adultsshows how physical activity can help manage chronic conditions, like high blood pressure.

Share our interactive tool to help people find ways to fit more physical activity into their lives.

The Move Your Way Activity Planner helps people build a personalized weekly activity plan and offers tips for fitting activity into their daily routines. Check out the Activity Planner.

The Move Your Way Activity Planner web badge and widget encourage people to visit the tool and build their weekly plan. Add the web badge and widget to your website to guide your audiences to the tool.


Share our videos with tips to help people overcome common barriers to physical activity. You can also embed our videos directly on your website or blog. Just copy and paste the code.

Tips for Getting Motivated has ideas for making it easier to get active — like finding a partner or developing a simple routine.

Watch the audio description version of Tips for Getting Motivated on YouTube.

          <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><p>Watch the <a href="">audio description version of Tips for Getting Motivated</a> on YouTube.</p>        

Use this code for Spanish-language websites:

          <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><p>Mira la <a href="">versi&oacute;n del video "Consejos para motivarte" con audiodescripci&oacute;n</a> en YouTube.</p>        

Tips for Busy Days shows people how to get physical activity while doing chores and running errands.

Watch the audio description version of Tips for Busy Days on YouTube.

          <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><p>Watch the <a href="">audio description version of Tips for Busy Days</a> on YouTube.</p>        

Use this code for Spanish-language websites:

          <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><p>Mira la <a href="">versi&oacute;n del video "Consejos para los d&iacute;as ocupados" con audiodescripci&oacute;n</a> en YouTube.</p>        

Use these sample messages, graphics, and GIFs to reach older adults in your community. You can adapt these messages to align with different events, priorities, and National Health Observances — like Healthy Aging Month in September!

Twitter Content

Older woman jogging with a smile on her face, thinking: "You know what gets me moving? Knowing how good I'll feel when I'm done." Physical activity has many benefits, including: less stress, a better mood, and better sleep.

          Do you have a long-term health condition, like arthritis or diabetes? Physical activity can help you manage it. Learn more about the benefits of physical activity and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from @HealthGov:

Move Your Way Twitter content for older adults

          As you get older, being active can help you keep doing the things you love. Learn how to #MoveYourWay with tools and resources from @HealthGov:

Move Your Way Activity planner Twitter and Facebook content

          #OlderAdults need regular physical activity to stay healthy! Use @HealthGov's tool to find fun activities and build a personalized plan: #MoveYourWay        

Video links create a preview image on Twitter — no graphic needed!

          No time to #GetActive? Multitask! Watch @HealthGov's video to see how you can get active while you get things done: #MoveYourWay        

Facebook Content

Older woman jogging with a smile on her face, thinking: "You know what gets me moving? Knowing how good I'll feel when I'm done." Physical activity has many benefits, including: less stress, a better mood, and better sleep.

          Want to get more physical activity but not sure how to start? Try walking! Walking for just a few minutes a day can go a long way toward helping you stay healthy. Learn about how to meet the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and find more tips to help you get active:

Move Your Way Twitter content for older adults

          Do you have a long-term health condition, like arthritis or diabetes? Physical activity can help you manage it. Learn more about the benefits of physical activity and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from

Move Your Way Activity planner Twitter and Facebook content

          Running around after the grandkids? That counts as physical activity! Lots of everyday things count, and it all adds up. Use the Move Your Way Activity Planner to find activities you love and build a weekly activity plan:        

Video links create a preview image on Facebook — no graphic needed!

          If you want to start getting more physical activity, try sharing your goals on social media. Friends and family can cheer you on, and maybe they'll want to get active with you! Watch's Move Your Way video and make your pledge today:        

Move Your Way® and the Move Your Way logo are registered service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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